September 2019

Hometown Hobbyists: Local man finds unique passion in home-brewing

GRUNDY CENTER - When he’s not busy at his day job in youth ministry, Brad Hillebrand of Grundy Center enjoys spending time on his unique hobby - brewing his own beer.
The recipe is a little more complex than just turning water into wine (or beer). It requires a little barley, some hops and some yeast, along with plenty of patience and a dash of creativity.
Hillebrand says he first got started home brewing about five years ago.

D-NH superintendent explains upcoming PPEL vote

If there’s one thing that Dike-New Hartford Superintendent Justin Stockdale wants prospective voters in the district to know before they head to the polls on Tuesday, September 11, it’s that the renewal of the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) is not a tax increase.
“We’re not asking for anything more than what we’ve had the last 10 years. It’s still the same 50 cents,” he said. “It’s simply a renewal of what we’ve had for a long time.”

Old time religion: Alice Church of God celebrates 150 years of worship

It’s no small miracle that members of the Alice Church of God, a quaint structure situated on a gravel road smack dab in the middle of southwestern Grundy County, celebrated the 150th anniversary of the church’s founding on Sunday afternoon. As recently as six or seven years ago, it teetered on the brink of extinction with just five regular attendees and a need for crucial repairs that would cost nearly $200,000.
But faith has always carried this congregation forward, even against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Bring on the fall

With each passing year, I come to love summer less and less. It’s too hot, I don’t have anything resembling a beach body, I can’t find the time or the money to go on a real vacation and with a host of festivals and fairs, it feels like most of my work here is done at night or on the weekends. So, unsurprisingly, Labor Day is anything but a mournful affair: Kellie and I find ourselves excitedly checking the weather forecasts and game schedules as we anxiously await our favorite season of all.

Conservation board plans to purchase land between GC and Morrison

Grundy County Conservation Director Kevin Williams announced his department’s plans to purchase approximately 37.38 acres of land between Grundy Center and Morrison near the Pioneer Trail during Tuesday morning’s regular supervisors meeting.
“We’re excited about adding to the county’s wildlife sites,” Williams said. “I think it’ll be a nice addition.”

The song remains the same

Barring a miraculous turn of events, Kim Reynolds is going to win her first elected term as governor in November and continue to do most of the things she’s doing now, and the Democrats are going to wonder aloud why they always manage to squander golden opportunities and find new ways to lose. Well, it doesn’t take a political scientist to solve that equation.

Still cruisin': 11th annual Mike Koch memorial ride held

Rest assured, the Hell’s Angels or the Sons of Silence weren’t gathering for a meet up along Main Street in Conrad on Friday morning. It was just a group of about 25 guys and gals honoring a brother, son and friend who left them too soon.

Irish band, Seo Linn, performs in Reinbeck

REINBECK - Music - and the revival of the Irish Gaelic language - is what brought up-and-coming Irish band Seo Linn to Iowa this week.
After their performance at the Iowa Irish Fest in Waterloo this weekend, the group of musicians came to Grundy County early this week and held performances in both Reinbeck and Conrad, in an event sponsored by the Grundy County Library Association.
During their performance in Reinbeck, the band packed the Memorial Building and had the crowd clapping, dancing and singing along to songs in Gaelic.

Grundy Center Schools moves registration online

GRUNDY CENTER - With ‘Back to School’ season upon us, parents are busy checking school supplies lists, running to the shops and soaking up the last bit of summer with their children. One thing to help ease the burden on busy parents in the Grundy Center Community School District is the new online registration system.
In just a few minutes between fixing snacks and chartering kids around, parents can sign their children up for school without leaving their home.

The Grundy Register

601 G. Avenue - P.O. Box 245
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Telephone: 1-319-824-6958
Fax: 1-800-340-0805

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