IF-A/AGWSR runners compete at Humboldt

HUMBOLDT – The Iowa Falls-Alden/AGWSR cross country teams competed against a number of familiar faces at the Humboldt Invitational last Monday night, in what would be their only competition of the week.    
Leading the Cadet girls were Bethany and Jessica Lippert, both earning individual medals with finishes of ninth and 40th place respectively in a field of 127 runners. Taylor Dougan, Patience Kauzlarich, and Desiree Folsom rounded out the girls’ team score, finishing 68th, 71st, and 74th.  
IF-A/AGWSR girls’ coach Jamie Maxwell looked past the Cadets’ ninth place team finish, noting how well the Cadets matched up against competitors from their conference.
For more of this story, see the Oct. 2 Grundy Register.

The Grundy Register

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