Just dance! BCLUW elementary hosts first ever Dance Marathon

Rob Maharry

Over the last few decades, Dance Marathons at colleges and universities have become some of the most popular and successful philanthropy events in the country, raising millions of dollars to benefit children who are battling cancer along with research and facilities upgrades at cancer centers nationwide. Last Thursday afternoon, youngsters at BCLUW Elementary put a local spin on the national phenomenon, hosting their own dance marathon and raising almost $800 in the process.
The idea to hold a dance marathon came about due to the success of similar events at the University of Iowa, which holds one of the largest dance marathons in the country for 24 consecutive hours once a year, and the University of Northern Iowa, which is currently in its fifth year of operation. Ellie Bullock, a UNI student who serves as the Director of Community Relations for the school’s dance marathon, began reaching out to several schools in Waterloo, Cedar Falls and the outlying areas about hosting their own events, and BCLUW Elementary Principal Mitch Parker jumped at the opportunity.
“Our entire teaching staff was very supportive and excited to participate.  We have been personally affected as a school district and elementary with several of our students battling cancer, and all of our teachers felt called to help others out as they go through these difficult times,” Parker said, in reference to students, staff members and their family members who have battled the disease over the last few years. 
Read more in this week's Grundy Register. 

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