City moving ahead with required water treatment work

    GRUNDY CENTER — The Grundy Center water department will move ahead with required work at its wastewater treatment plant following action by City Council Monday at its regular meeting.
    Council approved a resolution authorizing Mayor Brian Buhrow to enter a contract with Fox Engineering Services for improvements to the plant that will allow it to meet new e-coli bacteria standards imposed on the city by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources in a permit that went into effect Feb. 1. The standards are for wastewater that is disposed into Black Hawk Creek. Public Works Director Dan Bangasser explained that new e-coli standard must be met by the year 2017.
    E-coli in wastewater can be treated one of two ways, according to Bangasser, either of which will likely require the city to purchase new equipment. The water can be treated with ultraviolet (UV) radiation or with chlorine, either of which kill the bacteria.

For more of this story see the Feb. 6 Grundy Register.

The Grundy Register

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