Grassley talks healthcare, social security at town meeting

GRUNDY CENTER – Veteran U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) kicked off his annual 99 county tour in Grundy Center last Wednesday with a visit to Kling Memorial Library, where he held a town meeting.
            At the meeting, Grassley opened up the floor to questions from residents of Grundy County, where the bulk of citizens’ concerns were focused on healthcare and social security.
            One concerned citizen wanted to know how the elimination of social security and Medicare reforms could affect people who are dependent on those services.
            “There will be no elimination of social security or Medicare,” Grassley said. “We only need to figure out how it will be reformed so that what we benefit from today will be there for our children and grandchildren. We know that right now, social security in 2023 will only pay 75 percent of the benefits paid today, and Medicare will be in the same position.”
             To find out what else was discussed at the town meeting, check out the full story in the January 14 edition of The Register.

The Grundy Register

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