Grundy Center graduate hits it big with “Lil Sidekick.”

GRUNDY CENTER – It’s pretty common for people to find themselves with a great idea, which leads them to think: “why has no one invented this yet?” What’s not as common, though, is when someone takes that idea and turns it into a reality – and that’s just what Grundy Center graduate Amy (Mills) Vohs did.
Vohs grew up in Wellsburg and graduated from Grundy Center High School in 2000. Four years ago, she became a mom, and a few months later, she realized she had a problem.
“My son threw everything,” Vohs said. “Anything you put in his hand, he would throw it. I always liked to call him my little chucker, and he was a professional spoon thrower.”
Vohs said that after trying everything on the market to keep spoons and cups attached to a stationary object, including a bungee-type product that nearly took out her son’s eye, she was done trying other people’s products – so she decided to invent her own.
What seemed like such a simple idea, a plastic toy-saver to end The Drop Game, turned into something much larger for Vohs when she took her vision and used it to build a brand.
To read about Amy's journey, and how she brought her idea to life, check out the full story in the January 14 edition of The Register.

The Grundy Register

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