Nov. 2 Vote "Yes" x 3 For Our Schools!!

This letter ran incorrectly in our Oct. 21 issue of The Grundy Register. Apologies for any confusion.
Early this year, I was asked to join a task force to explore the needs of our schools. This group of around 35 people, made up of a diverse set of educators, parents and community members, met every-other-week for 2-3 hours for 7 months. We toured all of our buildings and assessed them based upon space, security, maintenance, safety and how our facilities meet the needs of the students today and those of the future. We worked with ISG Architects and Planners and completed a SWOT analysis of each area (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). One of the school-related referendum items you will see on the Nov. 2 ballot came out of that process which included a community survey. The results of that survey helped to validate our conclusions.
When you go to the polls on Nov. 2 OR cast your absentee ballot. you will see 3 items related to our school district on the ballot: Sales Tax Revenue-this measure extends the District's Sales Tax Revenue Purpose Statement and WILL NOT increase the taxes that citizens are paying; General Obligation Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL)-this measure has been in place for decades, but expires in 2022 and needs to be renewed for 10 years and WILL NOT increase taxes; Approval of a $12.99 million General Obligation School Bond. To learn more about the tax implications of your vote, go to, click on District Info and then Nov. 2 Bond Information. You will also be able to view the recent community information meeting, facility photos and other supporting documents that validate the need for the bond issue to pass.
Please join me in VOTING YES!! Our community and school district are growing and approving this initiative will be an investment in the future. Strong schools build strong communities and help to guarantee a strong future.
Barbara Smith, Task Force Member
Grundy Center, IA 50638
The Grundy Register
601 G. Avenue - P.O. Box 245
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Telephone: 1-319-824-6958
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