Supervisors approve annex bond sale, discuss home business ordinance

Rob Maharry

The Grundy County Board of Supervisors received bids and directed the sale of bonds for the new annex building during a special meeting on Monday afternoon, in addition to its regular business conducted in the morning.
Vice President Larry Burger of Speer Financial presented bids for the bonds on Monday, and a total of five were received. UMB Bank of Kansas City submitted the low bid for $1,150,000 in General Obligation Urban Renewal bonds at an interest rate of 1.5368 percent, for a total of $116,427 in true interest. Over the 10-year payment schedule, the average in property taxes per $100,000 of valuation to be put toward the project is $7.99 per year. After a brief discussion, a motion to approve the resolution for the sale passed 3-0 (Barb Smith and Chuck Bakker were absent).
Mindy Hamann of the Old 56 Dairy attended the morning meeting to discuss her business, which she is currently attempting to sell, and potential violations of the home industry permit with county zoning administrator Carie Sager. Sager said that because of the events center located on the property and parking issues, Hamann’s business did not meet the criteria for the home permit as it was originally written. Two supervisors then asked if the county could loosen its ordinances to be less restrictive, but Sager countered that she was simply complying with state code. 
Read more in this week's Grundy Register. 

The Grundy Register

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