Supervisors ponder new courthouse security system

Robert Maharry

The Grundy County Board of Supervisors discussed a proposal for an updated card access system at the two main entrances to the courthouse but ultimately tabled action to further assess the cost and necessity of the potential improvement.
County Treasurer Brenda Noteboom and Jesse Huisman of the IT/GIS department explained how the system would work, the cost (the current estimate is $8,318) and how access could be controlled. Supervisors Barb Smith and Jim Ross recently visited the Grundy Center schools and received a tour from technology director Bob Munson.
Fellow supervisor Harlyn Riekena, however, was skeptical of the proposal.
“Why is this all of a sudden such an important thing? Why wasn’t it brought up at budget time (last year)? Why wasn’t it brought up 126 years ago when they built the courthouse?” Riekena asked. “It seems like it’s rush rush to pass this, and we’re trying to fix a problem we don’t have.”
Read the full story in this week's Grundy Register. Subscribe by calling (319) 824-6958 or clicking here. 

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