Supervisors table decision on reopening courthouse

GRUNDY CENTER- The Grundy County Board of Supervisors again tabled action on reopening the courthouse during Monday morning’s regular meeting.
The courthouse has been closed to the public since late March due to COVID-19, and Governor Reynolds has allowed most businesses and facilities to reopen as of June 1. The issue will be back on the agenda at next week’s meeting.
County Engineer Gary Mauer reported that 12 private truckers showed up to haul rock on Monday morning, and he still hopes to get up to 18. Three summer helpers are also beginning work with the Secondary Roads department this week.
The board approved a request for the use of the courthouse grounds during the 99-county Bible Reading Marathon on June 22 and 23, and readers will be allowed to read from home due to the COVID-19 situation.
The board voted unanimously to reappoint Todd Button to the Grundy County Memorial Hospital Board of Directors and accepted the resignation of Helene Wirtz. Supervisor Barb Smith, who also serves on the GCMH board, reported that the hospital has received funding through the CARES Act and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
· Approved an Interstate Power and Co. utility permit application.
· Accepted a bid from Heartland Asphalt for road resurfacing and authorized the county engineer to execute contracts.
· Approved a six-month liquor license for the Grundy County Fair beginning June 1.
· Approved an interfund transfer of $98,918.65 related to bonds for the Grundy Road paving project.
The Grundy Register
601 G. Avenue - P.O. Box 245
Grundy Center, IA 50638
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