Supervisors vote to reopen courthouse

GRUNDY CENTER- The Grundy County courthouse is officially reopened after the board of supervisors voted 4-1 to resume normal business with additional recommendations in compliance with COVID-19 guidelines during Monday morning’s regular meeting.
Supervisor Jim Ross was the lone dissenter, and in arguing against reopening, he cited a statistic that Iowa has the 11th highest rate of new cases of COVID-19.
“I just think we should exercise continued caution,” he said.
Other supervisors, however, countered that most county employees and department heads had expressed a desire to reopen.
“The general consensus is that it’s time,” Supervisor Barb Smith said.
Some entities, like the driver’s license office, will continue to operate by appointment only, and social distancing and masks will be encouraged as part of the official motion to reopen.
“I understand where Jim’s coming from, but I also think people will have to use their own judgment with what they feel safe with,” Supervisor Heidi Nederhoff said.
Currently, Grundy County has 19 total cases of COVID-19, and only two are considered active.
County Engineer Gary Mauer presented another list of easements for approval on the Grundy Road project, and they are listed as follows: Jeffrey L. Freshwater and Tina M. Freshwater $4,120; Summit Ag Fund $3,110; Roger O. Gutknecht $970 and Jaynie Mason and Allen Frost $1,870. The board approved them unanimously, and Mauer noted that there are still eight or nine parcels left to secure.
County Auditor Rhonda Deters thanked poll workers for their efforts during last week’s primary election as the COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in mail-in and absentee voting. The board unanimously approved the official canvass of the election.
“I’d like to commend you and your staff for doing a wonderful job,” Smith said.
· Approved a Heart of Iowa Communications utility permit application.
· Approved the appointment of Kevin Groote as the new co-patrolman at the Dike shop.
· Approved a public hearing on authorizing an application to the Iowa Department of Economic Development for a Community Development Block Grant.
· Approved the payment of bills.
The Grundy Register
601 G. Avenue - P.O. Box 245
Grundy Center, IA 50638
Telephone: 1-319-824-6958
Fax: 1-800-340-0805
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